The Ultimate Guide to Rebounding

The Ultimate Guide to Rebounding

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a magical workout that only takes 10 minutes to complete, targets every inch of your body, and improves well-being on a cellular level? Well, actually, there is. Rebounding - aka, jumping on a mini trampoline - is one of the best, science-backed exercises, particularly for women. And, unlike other forms of cardio (I’m looking at you, running), it’s actually a ton of fun.

With all of the incredible benefits of rebounding, this low-impact exercise is one of the pillars of the Aligned Life Studio, and a wellness tool that I come back to time and time again for keeping my mind, body, and spirit in tip-top shape. Find out more about the benefits of rebounding, NASA’s impressive research on the exercise, and my favorite trampoline workouts in the ultimate guide to rebounding.

What is Rebounding and What Does It Do for the Body?

Rebounding is a low-impact cardio workout that utilizes the bounce of a mini trampoline for movement. In its simplest form, you can get a great workout in just bouncing up and down on the rebounder. However, with additional movements like twists, kicks, and arm circles, you can improve your brain-body connection, tighten and tone stubborn areas on the body, and wring out toxins for an invigorating and wellness-boosting exercise.

Although the mini trampoline isn’t new - it’s been around since the late 1930s - it didn’t gain popularity until the 1980s when NASA researched the benefits of rebounding. During that time, scientists were looking for the best workout for astronauts returning back to Earth from Outer Space, as many of them experienced a loss of bone density and muscle mass from months of floating around in an anti-gravity environment. Through their studies, NASA found rebounding to be one of the most effective workouts, not just for cardio but for actually transforming the body on a cellular level. They also discovered that jumping on a mini trampoline for just 10 minutes is the equivalent of a 30 minute run.

What Is Foam Rolling?

There are so many benefits of rebounding - all of which come together to promote a stronger sense of well-being physically, mentally, and energetically. Here are some of the most impressive benefits of rebounding.

It’s a Low-Impact Workout:

The most amazing thing about the rebounder for women over 40 is its combination of high-intensity and low-impact exercise, making it one of the safest ways to work out as you get older and wiser. In fact, rebounding is so safe that you can bounce on the mini trampoline well into your 90s. Aside from being kinder to your joints, low-impact exercise is incredibly beneficial for stress management, which is important when going through hormonal fluctuations due to premenopause and menopause. According to research, low-impact exercise also has a profound impact on your mental health, helping to boost your mood, diffuse feelings of depression, and relieve your body from anxiety.

It Regulates Hormones:

Speaking of hormones, rebounding also stimulates the endocrine system, which is responsible for regulating hormones. When the endocrine system is happy and balanced, it works better to flush out hormones we no longer need, which can affect everything from quality of sleep to bloating.

It Rebalances the Nervous System:

Rebounding is also highly beneficial to the nervous system, as it can take the body out of ‘fight or flight’ mode and shift it into a more relaxed ‘rest and digest’ state. When the nervous system is balanced, all systems in the body function better - this includes the nervous system, digestion, and lymphatic drainage.

It Rebuilds Bone Density:

As we get older, we tend to lose bone density. And, just like lifting weights, jumping on a mini trampoline can actually help increase bone density. On top of that, rebounding can support bone formation as well as decrease bone reabsorption since bouncing up and down on the trampoline puts small amounts of pressure on the bones, helping them to grow stronger.

It Strengthens the Pelvic Floor:

By working the muscles in the deep core, rebounding can target, tone and tighten the pelvic floor. As women, our pelvic floor goes through the wringer throughout our lives and focusing on exercises that strengthen this area can help us feel more grounded energetically while addressing some physical concerns. With that said, if you have any pelvic floor concerns - such as a prolapsed uterus - please get cleared by your doctor before giving rebounding a try.

It Detoxes the Body:

When we jump on the trampoline, we trigger the lymphatic system, which is how the body gets rid of all the junk it accumulates on a daily basis. Even light movements can stimulate the lymphatic system to help the body flush out toxins, bacteria, dead cells, and other waste products, all while allowing the body to regenerate new cells.

It Boosts the Metabolism - and Reduces Cellulite:

If you’re looking for an effective workout for weight loss, you’ll find it in the rebounder. As a total body workout, the mini trampoline works every muscle, helping to improve your muscle-to-fat ratios. What’s more, bouncing up and down on a rebounder also stimulates the thyroid gland, which can help restore energy, plus it improves your resting metabolic rate so you burn calories long after a workout. Rebounding can also help reduce cellulite because it tightens and tones the skin and muscles in areas like the back of the thigh or arm where cellulite can appear.

When to Rebound

As far as when to rebound goes, you can do it whenever, wherever. With that said, you might get the most out of a rebounder workout in the morning, when you experience a natural spike in cortisol, as this will help align your body with your natural circadian rhythm. Another benefit to working out in the morning is that it releases endorphins - aka, those feel-good, mood-boosting chemicals - which can help you start your day off right. Plus, it’s an invigorating way to wake the body up.

With that said, you by no means have to jump in the morning, as you’ll reap the benefits of rebounding at any point in the day or evening. The most important thing is spending that quality time with your mini trampoline and, if you only have ten minutes after putting the kids down for bed, that’s the best time for you.

The Best Rebounder for Exercise

When purchasing a rebounder, I highly recommend a mini trampoline with bungee cords instead of the classic metal springs. A rebounder with the bungee cords is safe and highly effective, helping to create a smooth and seamless bounce that is more aligned with the movement of the pelvic floor. Coil springs can cause a little too much snapback, which can result in injury.

I designed the Lo Rox Bellicon Rebounder to meet all the desired specs for a safe and effective rebounder workout.

How to Get Started with Rebounding

If you’re ready to jump in (pun intended), the Aligned Life Studio has tons of rebounder workouts for all levels, including some shorter and beginner-friendly exercises to give you a taste of what jumping on a mini trampoline has to offer.

The Studio is a one-stop-shop for all your health and fitness needs. In addition to foam rolling you’ll find rebounding, Yoga, Barre, Pilates and HIIT workouts, plus you'll find breathwork, meditation, sound healing, and a monthly Astrology forecast. There’s also live classes, guided workout calendars, playlists, conversations, visualizations and premium programs. Plus you'll get access to "Fascia Foods" - Lauren's nutrition webapp packed with wholesome recipes and meal guides aimed at feeding your fascia - and your soul! You can try the 7-day trial free here.

Some great sequences inside the Aligned Life Studio with Lauren and Amber to help get you started.

Bouncing Basics

BeFit Fat Burning Rebounder Workout

Bringing Sexy Back Rebounder

Quick Burn

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